Category Archives: Mountain Valley Seeds

Sunshine Hybrid Winter Squash Garden Seeds -4 Oz -Vegetable Gardening

95 to 100 days. AAS Award Winner for 2004. Sunshine is a kabocha squash that out-shined other varieties in side-by-side trails across North America. Has a distinctive vibrant orange-red skin with bright orange flesh that is sweet, nutty, creamy smooth and completely stringless when baked, steamed or microwaved.

Sunshine Hybrid Winter Squash Garden Seeds – .25 Oz – Vegetable

95 to 100 days. AAS Award Winner for 2004. Sunshine is a kabocha squash that out-shined other varieties in side-by-side trails across North America. Has a distinctive vibrant orange-red skin with bright orange flesh that is sweet, nutty, creamy smooth and completely stringless when baked, steamed or microwaved.

Sunshine Hybrid Winter Squash Garden Seeds – 1 Oz – Non-GMO Gardening

95 to 100 days. AAS Award Winner for 2004. Sunshine is a kabocha squash that out-shined other varieties in side-by-side trails across North America. Has a distinctive vibrant orange-red skin with bright orange flesh that is sweet, nutty, creamy smooth and completely stringless when baked, steamed or microwaved.

Snapdragon Flower Seeds – Rocket Series F1 -Pink- Annual Garden

Antirrhinum majus 30 to 36 inches. Long flower spikes with well spaced florets on vigorous heat-resistant plants. Great for the flower border and for cut flowers.

Snapdragon Flower Seeds – Rocket Series F1 -Red- Annual Garden

Antirrhinum majus 30 to 36 inches. Long flower spikes with well spaced florets on vigorous heat-resistant plants. Great for the flower border and for cut flowers.

Snapdragon Flower Seeds – Rocket Series F1 -Rose- Annual Garden

Antirrhinum majus 30 to 36 inches. Long flower spikes with well spaced florets on vigorous heat-resistant plants. Great for the flower border and for cut flowers.

Snapdragon Flower Seeds – Rocket Series F1 -White- Annual Garden

Antirrhinum majus 30 to 36 inches. Long flower spikes with well spaced florets on vigorous heat-resistant plants. Great for the flower border and for cut flowers.

Chard, Swiss Ruby Red Microgreens Seeds – 1 Lb Bulk Micro Greens

55 days. Plant produces good yields of dark green shiny leaves with ruby red stalks and veins. Excellent for salads and steamed with others greens. Plant yields all summer long into the fall. Approx. 930 seeds/oz.

Chard, Swiss Ruby Red Microgreens Seeds – 4 Oz Micro Greens Seed Bag

55 days. Plant produces good yields of dark green shiny leaves with ruby red stalks and veins. Excellent for salads and steamed with others greens. Plant yields all summer long into the fall. Approx. 930 seeds/oz.

Swiss Chard Garden Seeds – Ruby Red – 1 Oz – Non-GMO, Heirloom,

55 days. Plant produces good yields of dark green shiny leaves with ruby red stalks and veins. Excellent for salads and steamed with others greens. Plant yields all summer long into the fall. Approx. 930 seeds/oz.

Salpiglossis Flower Seeds-Royale Series-Mixed Color Blooms-1000 Seed

Salpiglossis sinuata 12-16 inches. Dwarf, well-branched plants work well in potted plant programs. Good for borders and containers, Flowering longer than other varieties.

Salvia Flower Garden Seeds – Sizzler Series – 1000 Seeds – Burgundy

Salvia splendens 12 inch plants. Upright. Extra early in packs, showing abundant flower spikes over dark green.

Salvia Flower Garden Seeds- Sizzler Series – 1000 Seeds- Mixed Color

Salvia splendens 12 inch plants. Upright. Extra early in packs, showing abundant flower spikes over dark green.

Salvia Flower Garden Seeds -Sizzler Series -1000 Seeds -Purple -Annual

Salvia splendens 12 inch plants. Upright. Extra early in packs, showing abundant flower spikes over dark green.

Salvia Flower Garden Seeds- Sizzler Series – 1000 Seeds- Red – Annual

Salvia splendens 12 inch plants. Upright. Extra early in packs, showing abundant flower spikes over dark green.

Salvia Flower Garden Seeds -St. Johns Fire -1000 Seeds -Red-Perennial

12 to 14 inches. Bright scarlet-red 7 inch spikes. Blooms early in the summer and continues until frost. Outstanding for mass plantings, borders, or containers. Thrives in full sun. Heat and drought tolerant.

Snapdragon Flower Seeds – Sonnet Series F1 -Bronze- Annual Garden

Antirrihinum majus 18-24 inches. This well-branched series is a nice height for beds or borders and produces bright clusters of flowers on sturdy stems. Easy to cultivate and early to flower.

Snapdragon Flower Seeds – Rocket Series F1 -Lemon- Annual Garden

Antirrhinum majus 30 to 36 inches. Long flower spikes with well spaced florets on vigorous heat-resistant plants. Great for the flower border and for cut flowers.

Snapdragon Flower Seeds – Sonnet Series F1 -Burgundy- Annual Garden

Antirrihinum majus 18-24 inches. This well-branched series is a nice height for beds or borders and produces bright clusters of flowers on sturdy stems. Easy to cultivate and early to flower.

Snapdragon Flower Seeds – Rocket Series F1 -Mix Color- Annual Garden

Antirrhinum majus 30 to 36 inches. Long flower spikes with well spaced florets on vigorous heat-resistant plants. Great for the flower border and for cut flowers.