Category Archives: Mountain Valley Seeds

Cantaloupe Melon Garden Seeds – Edisto 47 – 4 Oz – Heirloom, Fruit

85 days. These 3 to 5 pound, salmon fleshed cantaloupe grow on very vigorous vines with heavy stems and large leaves. Resistant to alternaria, powdery mildew, and downy mildew. Approx. 1,000 seeds/oz.

Italian Large Leaf Organic Basil Herb Seeds- 4 Oz- Micro Greens Garden

This organic annual is one of the most popular herb in the world. Basil is so common because of how easy it is to grow, it’s lovely fragrance as it matures, the big flavor is provides when added to meals. Takes up to 75 days to reach full maturity.

Cantaloupe Melon Garden Seeds – Edisto 47 – 1 Lb – Non-GMO, Heirloom

85 days. These 3 to 5 pound, salmon fleshed cantaloupe grow on very vigorous vines with heavy stems and large leaves. Resistant to alternaria, powdery mildew, and downy mildew. Approx. 1,000 seeds/oz.

Cantaloupe Melon Garden Seeds – Edisto 47 – 5 Lbs – Non-GMO – Fruit

85 days. These 3 to 5 pound, salmon fleshed cantaloupe grow on very vigorous vines with heavy stems and large leaves. Resistant to alternaria, powdery mildew, and downy mildew. Approx. 1,000 seeds/oz.

Sunflower Flower Garden Seeds – Pro Cut Series F1 – Gold – 500 Seeds

Helianthus annuus Bred especially for the cut flower market, this day length neutral variety makes a fine addition to the garden as well. Each bright, 3 to 4 inch flower features a dark, pollen-less disk. The single-stemmed plants reach 6 ft tall and begins flowering in just 50 days.

Austrian Field Pea Cover Crop Seeds-5 Lbs-Nitrogen Fixing Viny Legume

Austrian Field Peas as a field cover crop: A low-growing, viny legume which has been shown to fix over 200 pounds of nitrogen per acre per year under good conditions in Idaho. Austrian Field Pea seeds are usually sown in the fall.

Austrian Field Pea Cover Crop Seeds-25 Lbs-Nitrogen Fixing Cover Crop

Austrian Field Peas as a field cover crop: A low-growing, viny legume which has been shown to fix over 200 pounds of nitrogen per acre per year under good conditions in Idaho. Austrian Field Pea seeds are usually sown in the fall.

Austrian Field Pea Cover Crop Seeds-50 Lb Bulk-Viny Legume Cover Crop

Austrian Field Peas as a field cover crop: A low-growing, viny legume which has been shown to fix over 200 pounds of nitrogen per acre per year under good conditions in Idaho. Austrian Field Pea seeds are usually sown in the fall.

Pole Bean Garden Seeds – Oriental Yard Long – 1 Lb – Heirloom, Non-GMO

70 days. A long, thin Asian bean that can measure from one to three feet in length, but are best eaten when they are 12 to 20 inches long. It has a mild taste, similar to a string bean.

Gnome Series Gomphrena Flower Garden Seeds – White – 1000 Seeds

Gomphrena globosa 6 inches. Very uniform strain. Easy to grow favorite cutting flower either fresh or dried.

Alfalfa Organic Sprout Seed -25 Lb Bulk- Non-GMO – Growing & Sprouting

Alfalfa is a delicate sprout used primarily in salads and sandwiches to add moisture and texture. Great sprout to use as a blender” in sprout mixes. A most valuable fresh, winter salad.”

Pansy Flower Garden Seeds -Delta Premium-Color Mix- Annual Gardening

Viola x wittrockiana Combines large flower, extra-early flowering, extreme uniformity across all colors and timing and habit with outstanding heat tolerance. Delta overwinters well and stays attractive in bad weather due to short, sturdy stems. Extremely floriferous.

Crenshaw Melon Garden Seeds – 5 Lbs Bulk – Non-GMO, Heirloom Fruit

100 days. 6 to 10 pound fruits ripen to yellow outside with thick, salmon flesh. Non-GMO fruit gardening seeds.

Tomato Garden Seeds -Yellow Plum -4 Oz -Non-GMO, Heirloom, Vegetable

78 days. Clusters of plum shaped yellow fruit, 1.5 inches in diameter. Flavorful and excellent for preserves or salads. Production continues until frost. Indeterminate. Approx. 10,000 seeds/oz. heirloom, indeterminate

Kale, Blue Curled Microgreens Seeds-5 Lb- Growing Micro Greens

55 days. Vigorous, 15 inch plants with finely curled, blue-green, vitamin-rich leaves. Very cold tolerant. Use as durable garnish, as a cooked side dish, or as a seasoning for stews.

Tomato Garden Seeds -Yellow Plum -1 Oz -Non-GMO, Heirloom, Gardening

78 days. Clusters of plum shaped yellow fruit, 1.5 inches in diameter. Flavorful and excellent for preserves or salads. Production continues until frost. Indeterminate. Approx. 10,000 seeds/oz. heirloom, indeterminate

Mustard, Red Giant Microgreens Seeds- 5 Lb – Bulk Micro Herb Greens

60 days. Growing about 16 inches tall, with attractive purplish wavy leaves. Disease resistant and slow bolting. The unique, spicy flavor is excellent in mixed salads or straight as its own salad or wilted like spinach or chard. Approx. 17,000 seeds/oz.

Alyssum Wonderland Series Lavender Flower-1000 Multi Seed – Annual

Up to 60 to 90 days. Alyssum is one of the most popular flower garden plants because of its diversity and ability to thrive in a variety of conditions. Alyssum is a perfect flowering plant for those who want to display flowers in hanging baskets on their porches or balconies.

Jester F1 Ornamental Millet -25 Seeds -Pennisetum glaucum -Decorative

Jester Ornamental Millet (Pennisetum glaucum) grows shorter than ‘Purple Majesty’ (to about 3.5 feet) Jester Millet has wider leaves and more basal branching. Unique foliage changes color as the plant develops from a chartreuse with burgundy accents, through fully burgundy, and finally to a deep bronze-purple. Mature plants spread up to 36 inches. Annual.

Curled Cress Seeds – 4 Oz – Organic, Heirloom, Baby Salad Greens

Annual. Also called Garden Cress or Peppergrass. Ruffled leaves have a peppery and refreshing flavor. Used in salad or sandwiches as baby greens, they add texture and visual interest. Harvest as sprouts starting around 6 to 8 days.