Category Archives: Mountain Valley Seeds

Blue Lake FM1K Pole Bean Seeds (Treated) – 1 Lb – Non-GMO, Heirloom

Blue Lake Pole will produce a very high yield of stringless, dark-green, 6 to 7-inch pods that are straight, smooth, and diverse. It will make a great addition to your vegetable garden

Blue Lake FM1K Pole Bean Seeds (Treated) – 5 Lb – Heirloom Garden Seed

Blue Lake Pole will produce a very high yield of stringless, dark-green, 6 to 7-inch pods that are straight, smooth, and diverse. It will make a great addition to your vegetable garden

Blue Lake FM1K Pole Bean Seeds Treated -50 Lb Bulk- Non-GMO, Heirloom

Blue Lake Pole will produce a very high yield of stringless, dark-green, 6 to 7-inch pods that are straight, smooth, and diverse. It will make a great addition to your vegetable garden

Blue Lake FM1K Pole Bean Seeds (Treated) -25 Lb- Heirloom – Green Bean

Blue Lake Pole will produce a very high yield of stringless, dark-green, 6 to 7-inch pods that are straight, smooth, and diverse. It will make a great addition to your vegetable garden

BeSweet 2001 Edamame Bean Seeds – 25 Lb- Non-GMO, Heirloom Be Sweet

Up to 95 day to maturity. Edamame has been a popular dish in Chinese cuisine since ancient times, but now the whole world has caught on tithe delicious flavor of a hot bowl of steamed and salted edamame. Edamame is also a popular addition to salads and soups.

Blue Lake FM1K Pole Bean Seeds – 1 Lb – Heirloom – Phaseolus vulgaris

Blue Lake Pole vines can grow up to 12 feet long, requiring some kind of growing guidance, such as poles or strings. The oval pods produced are crisp and tender, growing up to 6 inches long.

Balsam Flower Garden Seeds -4 Oz -Pink, Rose & White- Annual Gardening

60 to 70 days. Pink, rose and white, double ‘Gardenia’ flowers are held above the foliage at the top of the plant. Showy even in extreme humidity when plant growth is lush.

Blue Lake FM1K Pole Bean Seeds – 5 Lb – Heirloom – Green Bean Garden

Blue Lake Pole vines can grow up to 12 feet long, requiring some kind of growing guidance, such as poles or strings. The oval pods produced are crisp and tender, growing up to 6 inches long.

Balsam Flower Garden Seed Mix- 1 Oz- Pink, Rose & White- Annual Blooms

60 to 70 days. Pink, rose and white, double ‘Gardenia’ flowers are held above the foliage at the top of the plant. Showy even in extreme humidity when plant growth is lush.

Blue Lake FM1K Pole Bean Seeds – 50 Lb Bulk – Non-GMO, Heirloom Beans

Blue Lake Pole vines can grow up to 12 feet long, requiring some kind of growing guidance, such as poles or strings. The oval pods produced are crisp and tender, growing up to 6 inches long.

Browallia Flower Garden Seeds – Bells Series: Blue Bells – 1000 Seeds

Up to 80 days. Easy to grow. Covered with large, bell-shaped flowers throughout the summer. Performs well in partial shade. Requires a constant soil temperature of 70 degrees to germinate. Keep on the dry side at first to prevent damping-off.

Blue Lake FM1K Pole Bean Seeds -25 Lb- Non-GMO, Heirloom – Green Beans

Blue Lake Pole vines can grow up to 12 feet long, requiring some kind of growing guidance, such as poles or strings. The oval pods produced are crisp and tender, growing up to 6 inches long.

Blue Lake Bush Bean 274 Garden Seeds -1 Lb- Treated, Heirloom Seed

Hearty in flavor, these 6-inch pods are tender and add freshness to any meal, more commonly known as Snap Peas and Green Beans.

Alyssum Wonderland Series Flower: Lavender -5000 Seeds – Annual Garden

Up to 60 to 90 days. Alyssum is one of the most popular flower garden plants because of its diversity and ability to thrive in a variety of conditions. Alyssum is a perfect flowering plant for those who want to display flowers in hanging baskets on their porches or balconies.

Alyssum Wonderland Series: Color Mix -5000 Seeds- Annual Flower Garden

Up to 60 to 90 days. This annual blooms in abundant clusters, making it ideal for planting on borders, in beds, or in planting containers such as hanging baskets and pots.

Alyssum Wonderland Series Flower Mix -1000 Multi Seed Pellets- Annual

Up to 60 to 90 days. This annual blooms in abundant clusters, making it ideal for planting on borders, in beds, or in planting containers such as hanging baskets and pots.

Alyssum Wonderland Series Flower: Mulberry Mix -5000 Seeds – Annual

Up to 60 to 90 days. A durable plant that has a web-like growth habit, making it a great ground cover that is littered in tiny blossoms.

Alyssum Wonderland Series Flower: Mulberry Mix -1000 Multi Seed Pellet

Up to 60 to 90 days. A durable plant that has a web-like growth habit, making it a great ground cover that is littered in tiny blossoms.

Alyssum Wonderland Series Flower: Pink -5000 Seeds- Lobularia maritima

Up to 60 to 90 days. Perfect for edging, the bright pink and mound growth habit will soften borders and attract the eye to an otherwise looked-over area. Alyssum is a flowering plant that is durable and reliable.

Alyssum Wonderland Series White Flower Seed -5000 Seeds- Annual Garden

Up to 60 to 90 days. With the ability to spill” over walls and rocks, White Alyssum is a very popular annual for flower and rock gardens because they fill in and add color to areas that go unnoticed.”